
Private Participation

Do you still want to swim along?
You can! Purchase your ticket through this webshop.
You will receive an e-ticket that grants you access to the Swimmers Area.
Report to the information point to receive your starting pass.

Ticket shop (Dutch only)
Practical information

Private Participation in the Amsterdam City Swim 2024

Open to individuals, friends, families, or other groups. You can register individually or form a team to swim together and raise donations.

Ticket Prices
Early registration is rewarded: the earlier you register, the more advantageous the rates are:

Whether you are an experienced participant or joining for the first time, please read the following information carefully before you register.

Private: in 5 steps to the start

Business Participation
Do you want to participate from a company? With private registration, you will not receive an invoice, only a payment receipt. Do you want to participate in a business capacity? Then opt for a Business Team or become a Sponsor.

  • Competitive Swimmer, sailfish
  • Vanguard, tuna
  • Midfield, Goldfish
  • Rearguard, seahorse