Participant Information

Version: August 19
Please note that this page will be updated when new information is available.

To ensure that you are as well-prepared as possible at the start, we have gathered all practical information on this page for you. It is important to read this email carefully. Even if you participated last year, each edition is unique.

Good luck with the final preparations and, of course, with collecting donations!

Start Time and Wave Number
You will receive your wave number and start time from us via email. It is unfortunately not possible to switch waves.
If you registered before August 14, you will receive this information on Monday, August 19.
If you registered after that, you will receive the information on August 26 or later.
We try to place as many teams and corporate teams together as possible.

Junior & Short Swim, powered by CUPRA*

  • 10:30 AM: Junior Swim, wave A
  • 10:35 AM: Junior Swim, wave B
  • 10:40 AM: Short Swim, wave C
  • 10:45 AM: Short Swim, wave D

  • Make sure to be present at the Marineterrein at least 45 minutes to 1 hour before your start time.
  • The opening of the Junior and Short Swim takes place at 10:15 AM on the ACS Festival grounds.
  • You will walk to the start at the 'Scheepvaart Museum'.

Classic Swim

In the schedule below, you can see the start time for your wave:

  • Make sure you arrive at the Marineterrein at least 1.5 hours before your start time.
  • Buses depart approximately 35 minutes beforehand the start of your wave.
  • If you are swimming in wave 1 or 2, you will be part of the opening of the Classic Swim, and the bus will depart at 12:00 PM.
  • Unlike previous years, we are enforcing a strict policy on wave departures and bus times. So please make sure to be on time.
  • On Thursday, September 5, you will receive your e-ticket and the departure time of the shuttle bus to the start.

Collecting ACS Swimming gear
You can collect your ACS swimming gear at the Marineterrein:

  • Friday, September 6: 4:00 PM - 8:00 PM
  • Saturday, September 7: 11:00 AM - 3:00 PM
  • Sunday, September 8: from 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM

What do you need for the start?
In the visual below, you can see what you need for the start, what is handy to bring along, and what you cannot take with you:

Swim Cap
Every swimmer will receive an ACS swim cap with your own start number. It is not allowed to swim with your own swim cap.

You have to wear your own flip-flops up until the start. We will make sure they are ready for you at the finish. You cannot bring any items other than your swimming gear to the start, as they will remain there. Bringing your own towel is also unnecessary, as we will provide you with one at the finish.

Whether you need to wear a wetsuit depends on the water temperature. You can find more information about water safety on this page (please note that the information will be updated in the days leading up to our event).

Swim Buoy
For participants in the Junior Swim (ages 10 to 14), wearing a swim buoy is mandatory. This will be provided by the Amsterdam City Swim. If you prefer to swim with your own swim buoy, you may bring it.

Time Tag
You will receive your time tag from us. New this year is that participants in the Junior and Short Swim will also receive a time tag.

Assistive Devices
If you need crutches, a wheelchair, or other medical devices, we will, of course, transport them from the start to the finish for you. Please notify us of this in advance via email.

From Registration to Finish

  • Entrance:
    You can access the ACS Swimmers AREA via 'Poort 2' Gate 2, close to the main entrance of the Marineterrein. Follow the event signage. Detailed information will be provided with your e-ticket (which you will receive on Thursday, September 5). Visitors do not have access to the Swimmers AREA.

  • Waiver:
    With your e-ticket, you will receive a link to digitally fill out your waiver.

  • Changing Rooms:
    You can change in the designated changing rooms. You can leave your belongings there, or you can rent a locker during the event (for people with ALS and corporate participants, this is included with the swim ticket).

  • ACS Festival AREA:
    Afterwards, you can access the ACS Festival AREA through the special entrance for swimmers, where you will find all facilities and where visitors with an e-ticket can also enter. This is also where the opening of the Junior & Short Swim will take place.

  • Transportation:
    If you are participating in the Junior or Short Swim, we will walk to the start at the Maritime Museum. If you are starting with the Classic Swim, you will be taken by bus to the start at the Keizersgracht. Bus departure times will be announced. Make sure to be at the buses on time. Buses are only available for swimmers (and patients), and you must be registered and changed beforehand.

  • Finish:
    At the finish, you will receive a towel from us, and you can use a rinsing station.
    Are you part of a corporate team? Then you will receive a wristband in your ACS Participant Package, which will entitle you to a bath poncho at the finish.

  • ACS Care Street:
    After your swim, you will receive power food in the ACS Care Street. There will be food stands on the grounds where you can enjoy a variety of food and drinks. You can pay with a card. You will also receive a catering token in exchange for your time tag in the Care Street.